Academie Arendonk 2022 - 2023
The first 4 works are based on CT scans, converted to color with oil paint.
I'm starting to have more and more fun with acrylic paint!!! I use my hands and large brushes on a long stick to loosen up. Super interesting what the speed of this paint does for me. I decide to experiment with spray can and different drawing materials, such as oil chalk, Indian ink, etc. A new world is opening up for me, which makes me very happy 😃😍
One evening I see a winter landscape on television that won't let go of me. I go about it in my mind at night, half dreaming half awake. I can't help but get to work immediately the next morning, luckily I still have a nice canvas. This way of working is so different from my intuitive work. It was conceived with a clear plan. Where I express myself in my other work, in this work I seek the peace I long for. It has become my most valuable work. Acrylic on cavas 120 x 80

New experiment, I'm going to see how I can bring together my intuitive worlds and more thoughtful landscapes. Can I bring them together?? At first I will experiment with color.